Set up Vaccine Butler

Appointment Booking

Vaccine butler is a code snippet that you can run from your browser to help automate your vaccine booking experience.

Simply follow the steps below to save time and ensure you get exactly the appointment you want.

Getting Started Guide

Requires Desktop

Vaccine buddy uses bookmarklets to run code snippets on a website. Please visit this page on a desktop computer

Getting Started Guide

1 Open Bookmark Bar

Butler needs to add a link to your browser so you can run the tool while you are browsing the NYC website.

To toggle the bookmark toolbar press Ctrl + Shift + B on PC or CMD + Shift + B on Mac.

Note: Firefox is not currently supported. Please use Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge.

2 Add Bookmark to Toolbar

Click and drag the button below to your bookmark bar. This will let you run vaccine butler while you fill our your NYC forms.

Vaccination Butler

3 Complete NYC Vaccine Eligibility Form

Visit the official NYC Vaccination Finder site and follow the instructions to confirm eligibility and health screening.

4 Launch Vaccination Butler from Bookmark

When you are on the screen that shows available appointments, press the button on your bookmark toolbar to start running Vaccine Butler.

Select your appointment filters in the modal that appears then hit start to begin searching for your appointment.

5 Wait for Your Appointment to Book

Vaccine butler will continuously refresh the page until it finds an appointment that matches your criteria.

You will see your screen flicker as it reloads the appointments, and it may take from a few minutes up to a few hours depending on your criteria.

If it's able to snag that appointment before anyone else you'll be taken the confirmation screen.

Be sure to keep the tab active and not minimized, to ensure the script continues to run.